Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Writing all this on jr cigars can be considered an obligation to us. This is because we felt obligated on imparting all this knowledge we knew about jr cigars.

Today's jr cigars Article
Check the Ashtray: Using Ashes to Determine the Quality of Your Cigar

How to tell if your cigar is of the highest quality? Check the ashtray�the ashes left behind can speak volumes about the quality of your cigar. Here a few simple tips to determining the quality of your cigar.

First, note how fast your cigar burns. A cigar that seems to burn too quickly or Smoking Pot disposes ashes that break apart Smoke Shop easily is probably a lower quality cigar. If the ashes seem too messy, and don't break apart Anti Smoking together, this may also indicate a lower quality cigar. Also, check the color of the ashes Wholesale Cigars Smoking Gun Com. If the ash color seems to change, the tobacco leaf mix may be of poorer quality.

The highest quality cigars, those that are well packed, will burn very slowly and burn stiff ash. The 'stiff ash' can remain intact up to two to three inches long, and remain on the cigar without breaking apart. A high Cigarette Smoking quality cigar can be burned down to the nub. Even high quality cigars may vary in taste, especially when they are smoked down to the nub. Many times, you can usually get 'burn past' these bitter spots by letting the cigar burn on its own for a few minutes.

Featured jr cigars Items
El Bubble Original 5" Bubble Gum Cigars 36 Pack

El Bubble Original 5" Bubble Gum Cigars 36 Pack
36 individually wrapped assorted cigars

Yohay "It's a Boy" Chocolate Cigar Wafer Rolls - 100 Ct Case

Yohay "It's a Boy" Chocolate Cigar Wafer Rolls - 100 Ct Case
Delicious chocolate wafer filled with chocolate creme with a gold "cigar band" stamped "It's a Boy" in blue

Birth Announcement Bubblegum Cigars Girl [36CT Box]

Birth Announcement Bubblegum Cigars Girl [36CT Box]
Celebrate the birth of your new addition to the family without the smoke. Enjoy these chewy cigars right in the maternity ward!

"It's A Boy" Royale Cigars in Cigar Box

"It's A Boy" Royale Cigars in Cigar Box
Kick the habit with a premium, all natural chocolate cigar. Each cigar is wrapped in fine Italian foils replicating a genuine tobacco leaf. A cigar band provides the finishing touch. 3 band options - "It's A Boy", "It's A Girl" or Thompson Candy Logo. All available in an authentic 12 count cigar box.

jr cigars in the news
A&J Supply stays put but changes with the times - Black Hills Pioneer

Wed, 02 Jan 2008 17:21:13 GMT

A&J Supply stays put but changes with the times
Black Hills Pioneer, SD - Jan 2, 2008
"He wants to sell coins and cigars, antiques. He would like return to his roots and this is where his roots are," said Randee. ...

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Improvement is something we aim to do in our next article on cigar cigars. We intend to provide an improved article on cigar cigars in the near future.

Another Great cigar cigars Article
Poker and Cigars - Together Forever?

At one time those who sat at a poker table considered cigars and poker as part of the same package. They freely puffed on their cigars as they rolled their hands over their piles of poker chips. Men skilled at the game of Texas Hold'em were usually equally skilled at the art of lighting and maintaining a smoking cigar. The cigar enthusiasts at mourn the day in age when this scene was easy to find. Many of us think this pastime may become a thing of the past unless the current trend is reversed.

At the dawn of the last century, and for a period that lasted until well into that century, all manner of gambling establishments were populated by cigar smokers. Blackjack tables, as well as poker tables had rings of cigar smoke floating above them.

A host at a poker game or at a game of blackjack might be called on to provide an implement for the cutting of one or more cigars. Such hosts needed to furnish guests with more than poker chips and a pack of cards. They also had to provide their guests with plenty of cigar ashtrays. Preparations for a long poker or blackjack game demanded more than just the accumulation of drink and snack foods. Such preparations also included the purchase of extra butane lighters.

Now however at the start of the 21st century things have changed. Now the city and state rules and regulations have called for a ban on the use of cigars at a game of Texas Hold'em. In fact, if one now walks into a gambling casino one cannot find a single soul puffing on a cigar. There may be cigar smokers at such establishments, but they no longer feel free to smoke while they play poker. A visit to Hollywood Park in Inglewood, CA uncovers the confined area into which the cigar and cigarette smokers have been moved. It is a small room in the corner of a larger room. It usually contains several small chairs and one large chair. That large chair has the ability to provide someone with a message.

Customers just slip a quarter into the arm of the chair and then sit back for five minutes. Then the frustrations that those same customers might have felt at not being able to smoke a cigar while playing poker are apt to disappear. And of course one is free to smoke a cigar or a cigarette is this same room. Because the smokers are unable to busy themselves with the playing of poker or blackjack, these rooms frequently have on the walls some interesting posters. Since Inglewood is located close to the Filmmaking capital of the world, most of the posters focus on early Hollywood and the early entertainers.

Even if one has no interest in smoking a cigar, and even if one has no desire to get a message, still it is fun to examine those posters. A close examination might allow one to find the picture of Kirk Douglas when he was just a young man. One could look at that picture and appreciate why he became such a star. One might also wonder what he would say now regarding the current rules, rules that prohibit the once accepted combination of cigars and poker.

About the Author

Jeff Hudson is the owner and creator of, a site that offers a wide range of premium cigars from the Dominican Republic and other fine cigar producing countries.

Recommended cigar cigars Items
Your Internet Business - Sell Cigar Case Handbags In Your Spare Time

Your Internet Business - Sell Cigar Case Handbags In Your Spare Time

Cigar connoisseur: Foreplay and reference guide

Cigar connoisseur: Foreplay and reference guide

Cigar Aficionado's Buying Guide to Cuban Cigars

Cigar Aficionado's Buying Guide to Cuban Cigars

Guide to Cigars

Guide to Cigars

Headlines on cigar cigars
Cigar smokers find haven from law to practice habit (Kane County Chronicle)

Wed, 09 Jan 2008 06:55:45 GMT
ST. CHARLES – Sam Durso smiled as he lit up his Romeo Y Julieta cigar in the La Vita Cigars shop.

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Was this article worth the search you took in finding information on smoking cigarettes? We sure hope it is because we wrote this article with the intention of providing information on it.

Today's smoking cigarettes Article
Health Risks Of Smoking Cigars

Everyone has heard the risks associated with smoking cigarettes, but the risks of cigar smoking are often overlooked. Many people are uncertain whether the risks of smoking cigars are equally dangerous, less dangerous, or more so. Regular cigar smoking can cause major health problems, according to the National Cancer Institute. Cigar smoking has been linked, through scientific research, with cancers of the lungs, larynx, esophagus, and oral cavity. Newer research indicates that the development of pancreatic cancer may also be strongly linked to cigar smoking. Individuals who frequently inhale cigar smoke are at significantly greater risk of developing lung disease and heart problems, caution doctors.

In those individuals who smoke regularly and inhale while smoking, the health threats of cigar smoking increase dramatically. An individual who smokes three to four cigars per day is at eight times the risk of developing some kind of oral cancer compared to a nonsmoker. While it is clear that smoking cigars on a daily basis can pose serious health risks, it is not yet clear what the health risks of occasional cigar smoking may be.

Because it is apparent that so many more people have become addicted to cigarettes than cigars it is natural for many people to question whether cigars are as addictive as cigarettes. The fact is that every tobacco product has the potential to become addictive because it contains nicotine. Take for example the effects of smokeless tobacco products. Products such as chewing tobacco can become extremely addictive simply because they contain tobacco, which in turn contains nicotine. Since cigar smokers do not inhale deeply or at all, the nicotine is inhaled superficially. Cigarette smokers, on the other hand, tend to inhale deeply, allowing the nicotine to be absorbed more quickly and readily by the lungs. However, despite the tendency of most cigar smokers to inhale the nicotine only superficially, it is still very likely to experience addiction if the user smokes cigars on a regular basis.

But if nicotine is so addictive, it would stand to reason that cigar smokers would smoke more often. It appears that there are many reasons why most people avoid becoming addicted to cigars. The most obvious reason is, as previously mentioned, that the nicotine is inhaled much less effectively than in regular cigarette smoking, resulting in less nicotine being absorbed by the body. Another reason is that cigars are not as readily accessible as cigarettes. Most smokers regard cigars as a luxury item and save them for special occasions. However they can become addictive when cigars are smoked on a regular basis. As logic would indicate, as the frequency of use increases, the health risks of any kind of smoking increase dramatically.

About the Author:

Mary Davis is an author for several popular Internet magazines, on wellness and health and healthier living topics.

Featured smoking cigarettes Items
The cigar manufacturing industry (Evidence study series)

The cigar manufacturing industry (Evidence study series)

Collectible advertising cigar label value guide

Collectible advertising cigar label value guide

The image business: Shop and cigar store figures in America

The image business: Shop and cigar store figures in America

Cigar band catalog

Cigar band catalog

smoking cigarettes in the news
Cigarettes Slowly Getting Back to Makkah Shops - Arab News

Sat, 05 Jan 2008 00:03:26 GMT

Cigarettes Slowly Getting Back to Makkah Shops
Arab News, Saudi Arabia - 16 hours ago
... steps against the phenomenon, including new legislation to totally ban the sale of cigarettes. One particular contentious issue is smoking in Makkah. ...